We have modified our website some from last year. At bumpuppot.com you will find buttons on the left side of the page and one of those buttons is called Weather Related. We will update this site often according to the weather. If we plan to open late due to cold weather or close early due to cold weather we will update it so you don't waste a trip to Shelton and find that we are closed. As our Shelton facility is "open air", we do find it necessary at times to open late or close early in an attempt to keep plants in the best possible condition. If in doubt, always check the Weather Related link.
Our anticipated opening date will be April 23rd, however if the spring weather holds as we think it might, we may open a week earlier which would be the 17th of April. The Chubby Monkey will open on the 23rd of April.
This is our 25th anniversary and we have a nice celebration planned. This celebration will be on Mother's Day weekend which is the 6th, 7th, and 8th of May. We'll share the details of the weekend when we get closer. Plan on coming out if you can. Hopefully warm and sunny for the three days.