Prepping for winter takes a lot of planning. We've ordered new rolls of plastic covering for our greenhouses. We use only Warp's Plastic and have for 30 years. We did try a different variety one year and it literally sucked. Warp's plastic is tough as nails. If you get a hole in it you can pull pretty damn hard before it expands. When you cover thousands of dollars of plants with a double layer of plastic - you want the very best plastic. We really need to stay ahead of our plastic needs because a 200 foot roll length is a special order and it takes them several weeks to make it and a week longer to get it. We try to keep five rolls on hand at all times.
We attended our buying show in Denver with GardenWise distributors in September. We did buy a lot of garden and yard décor. A big expense and hoping it will sell well. Our plastic pots, inserts, and trays will arrive the first week of January. Our soil arrived last month and we have much of it stored inside to keep it from freezing.
Our first shipment of plants will arrive the second week of January and I haven't even started to clean and prep the buildings for their arrival. There is lots to do. We do have one small building running as we have our cordyline growing so it's large enough to use the middle of February. Our perennial building is full. Daytime temps of about 45 to 50 degrees and nighttime temps of 35 to 40 degrees. This allows us to overwinter a perennial with good success. We'll clear this greenhouse out the middle of March and fill it with bump up pots.
We have just had our first major snow storm of the season. Nine inches of snow and 35 mph winds have created some nice drifts and required about 3 hours on the tractor to clear a path to work. I'm hoping winter it kind as last spring was a tough one. We are due for a season with less grief and stress!