Monday, May 6, 2024

Monday May 6, 2024 8:00 am

Another Monday has arrived and again some weather challenges.  Looking at the weather channel hourly forecast it appears they believe we will have severe weather during the 2:00 to 5:00 pm window.  During this time it is highly likely we will hail protect every crop on the place.  Hail protecting takes us about 20 minutes and that's fine if we get a notice that there is hail coming BUT one year the hail started right here in sunny Shelton, Nebraska and we had no warning.  Because of this we are very cautious this time of year and we will cover early.  If I assess on radar that a storm is coming, we will cover.  If you are here during that time, I strongly advise that you leave immediately for your safety.  Kelli and I and our help will not stay at this location!  Please don't let the tornado whistle blow while you are here because there simply is no place of protection.  Last week, while I was rolling covers a lady tried to lift the cover.  Please, please, please don't be this lady.  

My best suggestion is to avoid shopping during the 2 to 5:00 pm window.

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